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Family-Friendly Safaris in Africa

Mar 1, 2023 | Tour | 0 comments

An African Safari is a dream-come-true type of vacation. It’s exciting to see all of the wildlife up close and personal. To see and participate in a new culture and to become emerged in nature, and still spend your nights in relative comfort and luxury, is the ideal vacation for many. While an African safari may be on your list of vacation ideas once your children have grown, there are also many Family-Friendly Safaris in Africa.

What Makes a Family-Friendly Safari in Africa?

There are several options for families looking to safari in Africa. You can choose from a luxury all-inclusive resort style safari where you and your family can enjoy a view of the bush from your lodge and drive to nearby game parks to enjoy the animals. There are also options for the budget conscious because an African safari can be expensive.

It’s important to note that up until recently most safaris did not allow children under the age of 12 to participate. This is because many tour operators feel it’s unsafe for small children to be sitting in the back of an open safari vehicle. Children can also get malaria, sunburn, and digestive illnesses more easily. They’re also prone to boredom on long drives. And children need to be able to stay quiet and obey safety rules when around wild animals.

Some outfits still abide by this rule while others have opened up their facilities to accommodate younger children safely. These accommodations include malaria-free areas of Africa, shorter drives to and within animal parks and game reserves, and children’s activities in the lodge.

If you’re interested in camping with your family while on safari, your children will undoubtedly need to be 12 or older.

Traveling with Young Children

If you’re traveling with young children under the age of 12, here are a few points to consider.

* Book a self-drive safari – being able to control how long you’re driving in the park and to be able to leave when you need to is a valuable freedom for parents of young children.

* Stay somewhere with a pool so children can have free play time and a way to cool off during the hot time of the day.

* Make sure the safari you choose is age appropriate.

* Children over the age of eight years old will have a better experience and you will to.

* Stay at a malaria-free game park.

* Consider a shorter trip. Family-friendly options begin at 4 days and extend to 13 days.

* Check out the Garden Route in South Africa because it offers more than drives through game reserves. You can also enjoy beaches, whale-watching, hiking, ostrich riding, golfing, swimming, and bungee jumping. The Garden Route is east of Cape Town and enjoys a year-round mild climate, making it a favorite destination any time of the year.

Where and How to Book an African Safari for Your Family

There are a number of places to safari in Africa including:

* Kenya’s Tsavo National Park
* Tanzania’s Northern Circuit which includes the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater
* Kruger National Park
* Pilanesberg

You can book a tour by connecting with a travel agent you trust, by visiting the African tourism website and by booking a trip yourself online. Prices range depending on the time of your vacation, the duration, the age of your children and the amenities you desire.

There are a number of options for any budget, so don’t let that hold you back. If an African Safari is at the top of your family vacation list, go ahead and check it out. You may be photographing elephants and watching the lions sooner than you think.

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